Sammobile reported the update for Germany, while Android Police claimed it’s hitting phones in the US. It follows a successful beta period and the release of the update for the S10 series at the end of November. Samsung has for years been terrible at bringing full Android OS updates to even its most expensive phones. Models like the Galaxy S7 and S8 suffered a year after launch by lagging behind phones from OnePlus, Google and Sony by staying on the Android version they launched with. Now, Samsung has proven it has improved things by bringing Android 10 to the S10 and Note 10 within three months of Google launching it for its Pixel phones. For context, it only took OnePlus 18 days to push the update to its latest devices. Samsung’s One UI skin is probably to blame (as well as the company’s size and internal roadmap. Companies like OnePlus, that only makes two phones, can put far more effort into the update, oddly). It’s got less heavy than the horrors of TouchWiz back in the day, but it changes the visual set up of Android so much that it clearly takes some effort on Samsung’s end to get it right. One UI 2 brings with it Android 10’s navigation gestures, a one-handed mode that apes Apple’s Reachability feature, changes to the fun edge lighting settings and better UI within the stock camera app. As ever, whether your Note 10 will get the update depends on your region and operator. Henry is Tech Advisor’s Phones Editor, ensuring he and the team covers and reviews every smartphone worth knowing about for readers and viewers all over the world. He spends a lot of time moving between different handsets and shouting at WhatsApp to support multiple devices at once.